domenica 13 aprile 2014

Per A. A. MOOC e OER

[aggiornato il primo giugno 2014]

Gentile A. A., le segnalo per il suo lavoro di tesi alcune risorse on line sui MOOC e sugli OER. Tenga presente che questo post è "in progress" (la bibliografia è decisamente vasta!) ed aggiungerò in futuro altro materiale aggiornandolo per quello che potrò. Se trova ulteriori risorse significative me le segnali con un commento. 
Buon lavoro!

Due definizioni

OER (Open Educational Resources)
«teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge»
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Open Educational Resources,

MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
«an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user forums that help build a community for students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs). MOOCs are a recent development in distance education. Although early MOOCs often emphasized open access features, such as connectivism and open licensing of content, structure, and learning goals, to promote the reuse and remixing of resources, some notable newer MOOCs use closed licenses for their course materials, while maintaining free access for students ».


Avvisati, F., Hennessy S., Kozma R.B., Vincent-Lacrin S. (2013),  Review of the Italian Strategy for Digital Schools, OECD, Importante perché segnala la prospettiva degli OER come centrale per il sistema scolastico italiano.

Burgos-Aguilar, J.V., Mortera-Gutierrez F.J. (2011), Formation of Communities of Practice to Promote Openness in Education, in  "eLearning Papers", vol. 6, n. 23, pp. 1-8.

Carson, S. (2009), The unwalled garden: growth of OpenCourseWare Consortium, 2001-2008,  in "Open Learning. The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning", vol. 24, n.1, pp. 23-29,

D’Antoni, S. (2009), Open Educational Resources: reviewing initiatives and issue,  in "Open Learning. The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning", vol. 24, n. 1, pp. 3-10,

Downes, S. (2011), Free Learning. Essays on open educational resources and copyright. Per studiare l'etica della open education credo sia una delle fonti fondamentali.

European Commission (2013), Opening up Education: Innovative teaching and learning for all through new Tenologies and Open Educational Resources. Esiste ovviamente anche la versione italiana.

Hylén J., Damme D.V., Mulder F., D’Antoni S. (2012), Open Educational Resouces. Analysis of responses to the OECD country questionnaire, [mi è stato segnalato da A. A.: interessante soprattutto nella sua seconda parte]

Kurshan B. (2008), OER Models that Build a Culture of Collaboration: A Case Exemplified by Curriki. In "eLearning Papers", vol. 3, n. 10, pp. 1-8.

Lane, A. (2008), Reflections on sustaining Open Educational Resources: an institutional case study. In "eLearning Papers", vol. 3, n. 10, pp. 1-13.

Mc Andrew, P. (2010), Defining openness: updating the concept of “open” for a connected world. In "Journal of Interactive Media in Education", vol.  15, pp. 1-13.  

Meiszner,  A., Glott, R., Sowe, S.K. (2008), Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Communities as an Example of Successful Open Participatory Learning Ecosystem. In "The European Journal for the Informatics Professional", vol. 10, n. 3, pp. 62-68.

Muslera R.J., Sicilia M-A., Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., López C., Leal A., Universal Education through Open Educational Resources (OER): technical, socioeconomics and legal aspects, [mi è stato segnalato da A. A.: interessante per la sintesi sui creative commons]

McAuley, A.,Stewart B., Siemens G., Cormier D. (2010), The MOOC Model for Digital Practice, Da segnalare per comprendere la peculiarietà dell'approccio connettivista ai MOOC.

OECD (2007), Giving Knowledge for Free. The Emergence of Open Educational Resources, Importante documento dell'OCSE: ben strutturato in relazione a tutti gli aspetti che caratterizzano il tema degli OER.

Panke, S. (2011), An Expert Survey on the Barriers and Enablers of Open Educational Practices, In "eLearning Papers", vol. 6, n. 23, pp. 1-9.

Thille, C. (2008), Building Open learning as a Community-Based Research Activity. In Iiyoshi T., Kumar M.S.Vv (eds), Opening up Education. The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge. MIT Press, Cambridge  - London.

Toikkanen, T. (2008), Simplicity and design as key success factors of the OER repository LeMill. In "eLearning Papers", vol.  3, n. 10, pp. 1-9.

van Dorp, C.A., Lane, A. (2011), Diffusion and adoption of OER. In "eLearning Papers", vol. 6, n. 23, pp. 1-9.

Wiley, D., Gurrel, S. (2009), A decade of development…. In "Open Learning. The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning", vol.  24, n.1, pp. 11-21, Interessante articolo di un importante studioso come Wiley sull'evoluzione che ha portato agli OER con particolare attenzione al tema delle licenze. 

2 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  2. Gentile Professore, La ringrazio per le utili risorse e Le segnalo di ritorno altri due documenti :
    - Hylén J., Damme D.V., Mulder F., D’Antoni S., (2012), Open Educational Resouces. Analysis of responses to the OECD country questionnaire, (L’ho trovato interessante soprattutto nella sua seconda parte)

    - Muslera R.J., Sicilia M., Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., López C., Leal A., Universal Education through Open Educational Resources (OER): technical, socioeconomics and legal aspects,

    A presto, cordialmente, A.A.
