Gentilissima F.C., continuo a pensare alla sua tesi. La proposta che vorrei farle è ovviamente lavorare sul libro pop up e sui suoi utilizzi didattici. Le avevo già indicato un possibile titolo. Si tratta di raccogliere materiale sul libro pop up, la sua storia individuando possibili categorizzazioni. Le segnalo il bel libro di Alessandra Anichini (Il testo digitale, Apogeo, Milano 2010), dove alcune pagine (122-24) sono proprio dedicate alla storia del libro pop-up. Un altro aspetto da trattare potrebbe essere quello di esaminare alcuni artisti che hanno realizzato libri pop up. Un cenno andrà fatto anche a Munari che, per quanto non abbia realizzato libri pop up, ha lavorato in maniera esemplare sulla dimensione tattile del libro. Un ulteriore riferimento andrebbe fatto ad un artista considerato il continuatore di Munari: Katsumi Komagata. Le segnalo in primo luogo alcuni link su Komagata: (una breve presentazione in lingua italiana); (è il sito di Komagata, in lingua giapponese, ma utile per avere il quadro di tutto ciò che ha fatto); (in francese, anche in questo caso utile per conoscere la sua produzione).
I libri di Komagata non sono di facile reperibilità, ma non si preoccupi, ho io quanto serve. Le riporto qui sotto la bibliografia di Komagata, per come sono riuscito a ricostruirla, l’asterisco tra parentesi quadre sta indicare che ne posseggo una copia…
Bibliografia di Katsumi Komagata (ripresa e sistemata dai siti sopra segnalati)
Little Eyes No 1: First Look (beginning for babies)1990, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 2: Meet Colors (second step for babies)1990, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 3: Play with Colors (advanced for babies)1990, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 4: One for Many (learning for children)1991, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo [*].
Little Eyes No 5: 1 to 10 (learning for children)1991, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo [*].
Little Eyes No 6: What Color? (learning for children)1991, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 7: The Animals (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 8: Friends in Nature (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 9: Walk & Look (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 10: Go Around (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Blue To Blue, 11 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19cm, Japanese text, published 1994, reprinted 2005.
Yellow To Red, 12 pages with additional die-cut shapes,dimensions: 24.5 x 19cm, Japanese text published 1994, reprinted 2005.
Green To Green, 11 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19cm, Japanese text published in 1994, reprinted in 2002.
I'm Gonna Be Born, 18 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 21 x 21.2 cm, in Japanese, published in 1995, reprinted in 2004.
Sea Is Blue When Sky Is Blue, dimensions: 11 x 11 cm, in Japanese, published in 1995, reprinted in 2005.
Tears, 16 pages with a die-cut tear on each page, dimensions: 25 x 15.5 cm, in Japanese, published in 2000, reprinted in 2004.
Pacu Pacu, 16 pages with die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.8 x 15.6 cm, in Japanese, published in 2000, reprinted in 2005.
Petit bout, Édition One Stroke, 2000, épuisé, Format : 25 X 15 cm. Un morceau de feuille de papier rouge découvre l'ivresse de l'envol et le fait découvrir à ses amis.
Found It!, 30 pages of semi-transparent paper, dimensions: 16 x 16 cm, published in 2002, reprinted in 2005.
Folds and Planes, 14 thick folded pages with die-cut and folded shapes, 22.4 x 30.5 cm, printed and Braille text on first and last page, in Japanese with English translation, published in 2003 by Les Doigts Qui Revent/Les Trois Ourses/One Stroke, printed in Japan, ISBN 2-911782-39-9 [è un libro tattile] [*].
Sound Carried By The Wind, 12 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19 cm, Japanese text, published in 2004 [*].
Where Stars Rest, 9 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19 cm, in Japanese, published in 2004. A book about dazzling stars, exploring different shades and textures of white paper. This book was commissioned by the town of Grenoble (France) as a gift to each baby born there in 2004.
Leaves, 19 pages interleaved with die-cut textured paper, 24 x 25.5 cm, printed and Braille text in English, published in 2004 byEditions du Centre Pompidou/Les Doigts Qui Revent/Les Trois Ourses/ One Strokeprinted in JapanISBN 2-84426-254-6.
A Cloud, 13 pages, with die-cut cloud shapes, dimensions: 25 x 31 cm, in Japanese and English published in 2007 [*].
Little Tree, 15 pages of coloured and textured card, pop-ups on every page, dimensions: 21 x 26 cm, in Japanese and English, published in 2008 [è un bellissimo libro pop-up!] [*].
Qui un video sul libro: .
Where Stars Rest, new edition (2008), Design as above, but only using one type of paper instead of various textures. The text this time is printed in Japanese and English. Although less fine in appearance, the book is easier to read this way (if meant to be shared with children). (una breve presentazione in lingua italiana); (è il sito di Komagata, in lingua giapponese, ma utile per avere il quadro di tutto ciò che ha fatto); (in francese, anche in questo caso utile per conoscere la sua produzione).
I libri di Komagata non sono di facile reperibilità, ma non si preoccupi, ho io quanto serve. Le riporto qui sotto la bibliografia di Komagata, per come sono riuscito a ricostruirla, l’asterisco tra parentesi quadre sta indicare che ne posseggo una copia…
Bibliografia di Katsumi Komagata (ripresa e sistemata dai siti sopra segnalati)
Little Eyes No 1: First Look (beginning for babies)1990, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 2: Meet Colors (second step for babies)1990, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 3: Play with Colors (advanced for babies)1990, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 4: One for Many (learning for children)1991, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo [*].
Little Eyes No 5: 1 to 10 (learning for children)1991, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo [*].
Little Eyes No 6: What Color? (learning for children)1991, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 7: The Animals (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 8: Friends in Nature (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 9: Walk & Look (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Little Eyes No 10: Go Around (fun for children)1992, published by Kaisei-Sha, Tokyo.
Blue To Blue, 11 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19cm, Japanese text, published 1994, reprinted 2005.
Yellow To Red, 12 pages with additional die-cut shapes,dimensions: 24.5 x 19cm, Japanese text published 1994, reprinted 2005.
Green To Green, 11 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19cm, Japanese text published in 1994, reprinted in 2002.
I'm Gonna Be Born, 18 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 21 x 21.2 cm, in Japanese, published in 1995, reprinted in 2004.
Sea Is Blue When Sky Is Blue, dimensions: 11 x 11 cm, in Japanese, published in 1995, reprinted in 2005.
Tears, 16 pages with a die-cut tear on each page, dimensions: 25 x 15.5 cm, in Japanese, published in 2000, reprinted in 2004.
Pacu Pacu, 16 pages with die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.8 x 15.6 cm, in Japanese, published in 2000, reprinted in 2005.
Petit bout, Édition One Stroke, 2000, épuisé, Format : 25 X 15 cm. Un morceau de feuille de papier rouge découvre l'ivresse de l'envol et le fait découvrir à ses amis.
Found It!, 30 pages of semi-transparent paper, dimensions: 16 x 16 cm, published in 2002, reprinted in 2005.
Folds and Planes, 14 thick folded pages with die-cut and folded shapes, 22.4 x 30.5 cm, printed and Braille text on first and last page, in Japanese with English translation, published in 2003 by Les Doigts Qui Revent/Les Trois Ourses/One Stroke, printed in Japan, ISBN 2-911782-39-9 [è un libro tattile] [*].
Sound Carried By The Wind, 12 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19 cm, Japanese text, published in 2004 [*].
Where Stars Rest, 9 pages with additional die-cut shapes, dimensions: 24.5 x 19 cm, in Japanese, published in 2004. A book about dazzling stars, exploring different shades and textures of white paper. This book was commissioned by the town of Grenoble (France) as a gift to each baby born there in 2004.
Leaves, 19 pages interleaved with die-cut textured paper, 24 x 25.5 cm, printed and Braille text in English, published in 2004 byEditions du Centre Pompidou/Les Doigts Qui Revent/Les Trois Ourses/ One Strokeprinted in JapanISBN 2-84426-254-6.
A Cloud, 13 pages, with die-cut cloud shapes, dimensions: 25 x 31 cm, in Japanese and English published in 2007 [*].
Little Tree, 15 pages of coloured and textured card, pop-ups on every page, dimensions: 21 x 26 cm, in Japanese and English, published in 2008 [è un bellissimo libro pop-up!] [*].
Qui un video sul libro: .
Where Stars Rest, new edition (2008), Design as above, but only using one type of paper instead of various textures. The text this time is printed in Japanese and English. Although less fine in appearance, the book is easier to read this way (if meant to be shared with children).
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